

Kinesiology is a hands on, holistic therapy performed over clothing. It combines the eastern principals of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Tibetan energy practices with more orthodox western techniques, to look beyond symptoms to find a root cause.

Muscle monitoring is used to assess energy and body function which allows the practitioner and the client to determine where the physical, emotional, energetic, chemical and nutritional imbalances lie.

Through a range of gentle, yet powerful balancing techniques they will facilitate the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

Touch for Health (TFH) was originated by the late Dr John Thie. His aim was to provide lay people with simple but highly effective techniques to help themselves, friends and family.

TFH is now the most widely used system of Kinesiology in the world. This synthesis is recognised and respected as the foundation training for other Kinesiology systems as well as a therapeutic modality in its own right for lay people and professionals alike.

Progressing from the foundations of TFH Kinesiology, Functional Kinesiology offers more specialist, clinical knowledge and expertise in working with specific health conditions.

In a nutshell, Kinesiology is a hands on, non diagnostic, non invasive holistic method of natural healthcare.
It works on all the energy systems of the body to promote positive balance and help improve health, wellbeing and vitality.

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